分类: PureRAW
DxO 新增支持 OM System M.Zuiko Digital ED 150-600mm 超长变焦镜头等多款设备。
最新发布的 DxO 光学模块新增支持 OM System M.Zuiko Digital ED 150-600mm 超长变焦镜头等多款设备。
DxO 推出 249 款全新光学模块,让您的尼康、适马、富士和哈苏设备如虎添翼
无论是高端中画幅相机、经典人像镜头还是经济型数码变焦相机,DxO 光学模块均可挖掘设备的最大潜力,解锁锐利画质、驱走恼人畸变。
DxO 推出 351 款全新光学模块
DxO 不懈努力,帮助摄影师从其设备中发掘更大潜力。目前,这些最新更新可适用于 DxO PhotoLab 和 DxO PureRAW,以及 DxO FilmPack、DxO ViewPoint 和 Nik Perspective Efex(Nik Collection 的一部分)。
What are Linear DNG files? How do you use them?
Photo editing software such as Lightroom and Capture One might give you creative freedom and flexibility, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re getting the best possible image quality from your RAW files. Linear DNG files are part of a solution that allows you to combine different software to get ultimate image quality without having to overhaul your entire workflow.
Support arrives for Fujifilm X-Trans sensors
DxO’s latest software brings exciting news for Fujifilm photographers: both DxO PhotoLab 6 and DxO PureRAW 3 now process files from X-Trans sensors, producing remarkable levels of detail.