Exclusive to DxO

DeepPRIME noise reduction

Cutting-edge technology

Would you like a new sensor in your camera?
One that delivers finer detail and less noise?
It sounds impossible, but this is effectively what DxO’s unique DeepPRIME and DeepPRIME XD2s (extra Detail v2) technology delivers. Here’s how it works.


Denoising and demosaicing explained

Two of the fundamental steps are demosaicing and denoising.
Demosaicing is the process of converting individual pixel values for red, green, and blue into accurate colors (learn more here). Denoising is the correction of erroneous pixels generated by interference or heat inside your camera — something that becomes more pronounced when shooting at high ISO levels. These processes are critical in extracting the best possible quality from your RAW files.

DxO breaks new ground

Pioneering artificial intelligence

Incomparable results

DeepPRIME removes noise and recovers information without losing detail, creating more natural transitions and textures. The results are spectacular and, as explained below, the introduction of DeepPRIME XD2s has pushed the boundaries even further. Compared to conventional RAW conversion technologies, DeepPRIME delivers the equivalent of an extra two stops of ISO of detail; with DeepPRIME XD2s, it can be three stops, sometimes more.


The future is here.
Try DeepPRIME XD2s for eXtra Detail

There are two levels of DeepPRIME processing available in DxO PureRAW  4: DeepPRIME and DeepPRIME XD2s. Both algorithms reduce noise, increase clarity, and purify results from your camera’s sensor, but the newer DeepPRIME XD2s mode requires more intensive handling.

While our original DeepPRIME processing remains the best choice for images where some degree of detail extraction is desired, DeepPRIME XD2s delivers even finer detail in both high and low ISO images thanks to a more intricate algorithm.

DeepPRIME XD2s is at the cutting-edge of demosaicing and denoising powered by machine learning. You can expect photos free from noise, with smoother bokeh, finer textures, and colors that are true to what you saw when creating the photograph.

DeepPRIME is compatible with cameras from almost all of the major manufacturers, including Canon, DJI, Hasselblad, Nikon, Panasonic, Pentax, Olympus/OM System, Sony, Leica, and more. DeepPRIME XD2s will support Fujifilm X-Trans files in the near future.

Ideal companions
for DxO PureRAW  4

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